17 Times Kip Moore Was A Wild One

Written by Lauren Laffer
17 Times Kip Moore Was A Wild One

Kip Moore

Kip Moore is back and better than ever with his newly-released and highly-anticipated sophomore album, Wild Ones. The album features 13 tracks, including Moore’s latest hit, “I’m To Blame.” The Georgia native co-wrote each track on the album.

Wild Ones is the follow-up to his highly successful debut album, Up All Night, which was the home to his No. 1 singles, “Something ‘Bout A Truck,” “Beer Money,” and “Hey Pretty Girl.”

In honor of the new release, we’re giving you 17 times Kip Moore was a “wild one.”

1. That time he stood by this classic car and made the ladies swoon. Every “Wild One” has a good car, right? Right?!

2. That time he decided to ditch the beach and do some snowboarding…


3. Kip lived on a beach in Hawaii, so it’s only natural that he learned to surf. Look at those skills!

4. But seriously… look at those skills!



6. We’re just really impressed with his surfing…


7. Because “Wild Ones” do wild things… Don’t break an arm, Kip! You need to play guitar and write songs!

8. Seriously! Don’t break anything!


9. We’re just concerned about your safety, Kip.

10. Because he’s part Georgia boy, part badass…


11. …Or mostly badass.

12. Because he’s up for anything, even a polar bear plunge…


13. …But has a plan to get his tour mate back for said polar bear plunge!

14. What “Wild One” doesn’t know how to climb a rock wall?


15. Because “Wild Ones” don’t need shirts, amiright?!

16. Not every one would be able to handle this ride!


17. So cheers to you, Kip! And thanks for being a “Wild One!”

Pick up your copy of Wild Ones HERE.

Be sure to also check out Kip’s own Wild Ones playlist below…