Brad Paisley Pranks Scotty McCreery and The Band Perry

Written by SLN Staff Writer
Brad Paisley Pranks Scotty McCreery and The Band Perry

Brad Paisley is definitely known for his pranks. Having pranked numerous opening acts, he struck again, getting both Scotty McCreery and The Band Perry in the same night.

Scotty took to his Twitter on Aug. 10 to blame Brad for his fall off of the stage. “Dagum @BradPaisley pranked me again.. he narrowed up the stage on me for my last song….. #MeetTheCrowdNight #ImOk.” “The Trouble With Girls” singer made sure fans knew he was okay by posting a video of the fall with the caption “if anyone needs a good laugh.”

The following night, Brad lined the stage with a number of cones and tape to make sure Scotty didn’t repeat his fall. Scotty tweeted a photo of what his “caring” tour mate did, with the tweet “@BradPaisley wanted me to be extra catious tonight! Thanks Brad!”

Brad also pranked The Band Perry, a.k.a. The Doodlebops. During an opening number, The Band Perry plays a video in the background. With the help of Brad, the video had a little bit of editing, changing it up quite a bit. Brad tweeted several pictures of the prank, as well as a video of what happened. “Some pics of the @thebandperry new video content. video link soon”

Brad later tweeted to thank his tour mates for taking the pranks like champions. "Thanks for being good sports @ScottyMcCreery and @thebandperry staying so, even after we put it on Youtube in a little while."