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Brett Eldredge Hopes to Add Acting to His Resume

There are very few things that Brett Eldredge lacks. He’s funny, charming, handsome, smart and talented. What more could you ask for? With a personality as big as his, though, he must want to expand upon his career and bring that vivaciousness to a wider audience, right? Well, the singer has some ideas of what that might look like and hopes to one day make it a reality.

“Acting is something that I’m very passionate about getting into. I mean, I grew up doing some acting stuff, but that was all lower level, but I feel like I’m an entertainer, so whenever a camera comes on, I light up. I turn into this extreme version of myself,” Eldredge shared with Sounds Like Nashville exclusively.

“I’m just very animated, and I think that’s a lot of what acting is,” he continued. “If you find a character that you’re supposed to portray, you give every single bit of yourself to becoming that character. And that’s what I do. Whenever I’m doing skits or anything, and I’m playing different character, I love that kind of stuff. So, I’m very passionate about, eventually, and I would say, hopefully, very soon, the next few years.”

As for the genre that the “Love Someone” singer would like the act, well, Eldredge might surprise you.

“Thrillers. I like thrillers,” he said after giving it some thought. “What would I want to do? I’d probably say, I like thrillers … Yeah, thrillers are my favorite. Thrillers.”

While his acting credits may be still a few years away, fans can spend the holidays with Eldredge thanks to his festive Christmas album, Glow Deluxe.