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Brett Eldredge Shares His ‘Very Disciplined’ Tour Diet

Brett Eldredge has come ‘The Long Way’ in his health and fitness plan as he’s developed balance and will power against falling into the junk food diet.

Keeping to a clean eating routine, the country singer maintains his strong physique thanks to the help of a regulated diet that he sticks to diligently even with the temptations that tour life brings.

“I try to be very disciplined when I’m on the road,” Eldredge told Delish during an interview.

While he may not be a vegan or vegetarian, Eldredge gets a fresh start to his morning by filling up on a sweet drink to keep him going throughout his busy days. Opting for a smoothie rather than some greasy bacon or sugary cereal, he busts out an easy-to-make mix that could make anyone’s mouth water.

“I’ll start with a protein shake mix, add in a little peanut butter powder, a banana, blueberries, and some almond milk,” he said about his favorite vegan-based breakfast.

Choosing lean proteins and veggies over the fast food indulgences, Eldredge enjoys a catered meal complete with grilled chicken breast or a small salad with a variety of couscous or quinoa thrown in for some texture. He even revealed to the publication that his ideal snack involves eating salsa sans chips with only a fork to scoop.

Occasionally though, he’ll sneak a bite or two of pad Thai whenever he gets the chance to chow down on some Asian cuisine.

His guilty pleasure of choice? Quite honestly, Eldredge makes sure the sugars stay simple by hitting his sweet tooth with a dollop of frozen yogurt. From time to time, the “Lose My Mind” singer switches it up taste-wise by swirling either the “mango flavor or peanut butter and chocolate, and top it with granola and fruit.”

Eldredge is currently sticking to his healthy ways on the Huntin’, Fishin’ and Lovin’ Every Day Tour with Luke Bryan for the summer months.