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Cam Admits To Insecurities in Empowering Social Media Post

Putting her vulnerable side to the test, Cam got super real when it comes to her looks and self-image through an open Instagram post regarding her lack of confidence.

The singer shared a candid picture from last year with her fans via her social media page, discussing how she used to send these snapshots to her loved ones in order to ask for their opinions on her appearance. Noticing how toxic that relationship was with her body and her self-esteem, Cam realized that now’s the time to stop worrying about what others think of her physical impression and remember her own self-worth.

“Check out that look of concern! This was 2017, sending a pic to one of my besties- asking if I looked ugly/ridiculous/stupid. Before every show or public appearance I put myself through about one hour of anxiety, trying to fix myself up to match some idea of what I’m ‘supposed’ to look like. Doesn’t matter if I have a stylist or make up artist helping me either btw, I still get anxious. Once I’m onstage it disappears, but it’s frustrating that I let this insecurity become a routine that eats at my time, money, confidence and ultimately reinforces the idea that I am not in control of my own worth.  But I am,” she wrote emotionally.

Focusing her attention toward her craft and the music side of her life, Cam vowed to get rid of the negativity she felt toward her body and really just use her energy on making the best songs she possibly can.

“How I make people feel is how they REALLY see me,” she admitted. “How ‘beautiful’ I am only really matters to shallow people (and industry losers), but usually they are so concerned with their own appearance they don’t really see me. Beauty is a made up set of rules to follow – an ever changing game we unconsciously agree to play everyday (esp on social media). But it doesn’t make my music any better, it doesn’t make me happier, and it’s actually a massive waste of my potential to put someone else’s ideas ahead of my own. So I’ve decided I’m gonna leave these insecure moments in 2017. I’m gonna save my give-a-fuck’s for magical stuff this year. Just like that. So here I go, looking however I look, without the worry, to more present and powerful experiences in 2018 💪🏻💃🏼💛 #2018goals

Cam’s latest single, “Diane,” is available for purchase and streaming now.