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Cast of ‘Dolly Parton’s Coat of Many Colors’ Explains Heartwarming Movie

This Thursday (Dec. 10), Dolly Parton’s childhood will be brought to the small screen with the debut of the movie, Dolly Parton’s Coat of Many Colors.

Set to air on NBC from 9-11 p.m. ET/PT, the movie chronicles Parton’s poverty-stricken childhood in the Smoky Mountains. It tells the story of how her mother stitched together a coat for her daughter out of rags given to the family, telling her the biblical story of Joseph and his Coat of Many Colors.

“It’s a story of my coat of many colors. It’s a true story, and we thought it’d make a wonderful movie. There’s not enough family stuff on TV,” Parton explained on the set of the film. “It’s precious to me and I hope people are going to love the movie.”

Jennifer Nettles, who plays Parton’s mother, Avie Lee, says that the “coat” made a huge impact on the family, following the loss of a child. “She learns, and the family, learns a really big lesson through this coat,” Nettles shared.

“You don’t read scripts like this very often that are really about something and I think that this movie could be a classic,” Actor Ricky Schroder, who plays Lee Parton, Dolly’s father, added.

See more from the cast below.