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Chris Janson Plans to ‘Do Business as Usual’ on Father’s Day

As a dedicated ‘bonus dad’ to two kids and two of his own, Chris Janson feels honored to be able to celebrate Father’s Day traditions alongside his happy family.

Father’s Day is nearly approaching, and Janson only looks at the Sunday holiday as a way to recognize the work his wife puts in as well as the love he has for their children. Rather than make it all about him and his sacrifices as a dad, the country singer hopes to celebrate the yearly occasion with the people that earn him the prestigious title of ‘Dad’ and give the love back to them.

“My wife brought me back down to earth, and does daily, which is a good thing, “Janson explained to Sounds Like Nashville and other media recently. “She’s my best friend. I wouldn’t be here, if she wasn’t here. I don’t do things like that. She’s my greatest meter in real life, and my kids are second to that, because you have to be a parent and a husband, and wife first and then the kids come after that. But, it’s the greatest honor, it’s the greatest privilege, whether it be Mother’s Day or Father’s Day or whatever.”

Making sure that Father’s Day doesn’t turn into this huge hurrah, Janson hopes to keep the weekend celebration rather low-key and normal. While he does reassure fans that holidays like those definitely hold their own significance in his household, it’s his wish to spend it doing what he loves: being with his family and surrounded by music.

“Every manmade holiday or every traditional holiday is celebrated as a family in our house,” he said. “It’s not … On Father’s Day, I’m not interested in it being about me, I’m just really proud to be a dad, and that’s not just one day a year, it’s every day of the year. If they made husband’s day, I would celebrate it just the same. We’re going to do business as usual.”

Thankfully enough, Janson will have the day off from the 15 in a 30 Tour on Father’s Day. But leading up until then, he’ll be on the road with his family stopping in towns across the country. Fans can find more details about the tour on Janson’s website.

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