CMA Donates More Than $1 Million To Music Education In Nashville School

Written by SLN Staff Writer
CMA Donates More Than $1 Million To Music Education In Nashville School

Kellie Pickler, CMA Donation

The CMA has donated $1,066,632 to benefit music education programs for Nashville’s 75,000 public school students from 2009 CMA Music Festival through the “Keep the Music Playing” campaign.

To date, the CMA has donated $3,312,053 in support of music education in public schools. This money has been used to build music labs and purchase more than 2,500 instruments, and much needed supplies in Metro Nashville Public Schools through a partnership with the Nashville Alliance for Public Education.

Kellie Pickler was on hand to make the check presentation and introduce some of the student performers.

“I’m so thrilled to be part of a community that gives back and being able to help put instruments in the schools is so important,” she said. “And it’s extra special that we’re doing this at Christmas time, so the kids in Whoville can ring their jing tinglers, blow their floo floobas, and whack their Who wonkers, or play whatever they most enjoy playing here in Music City.”

“CMA Music Festival is for the kids,” said Steve Moore, Chairman Elect of CMA’s volunteer Board of Directors. “Every artist I have ever worked with started their career with a dream. Many Nashville students have dreams of their own and it’s our responsibility to nurture these young performers and provide them with the resources and opportunities so that one day, they may be head lining concerts halls on their own.”