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CMA Donates Over $1 Million To Nashville Schools

The CMA will announce today that for the 3rd year in a row, they will be donating in excess of $1,000,000 to help keep music alive in Nashville-area public schools. CMA CEO, Tammy Genovese says “Our kids, who could potentially be the next Kix Brooks, the next John Rich, the next Kenny Chesney, deserve the chance to grow and explore their talent. Who knows where it could take them? The fact that we are giving them a chance to do that speaks volumes on behalf of our industry and our artists.”

Kix Brooks, who is the CMA Artist Relations Committe Chairman, also expressed his support of the project, saying “It’s hard to find someone in our music community that didn’t take music as an escape when we were young. Its something in our lives that gives us joy and most all of us have a story about how music was the place that we could always turn to when we needed something to lift us up. I just feel like this is a really great opportunity for us as musicians and as entertainers to share something that we have that kids can hold onto, something that they can take pride in that they may not otherwise have the opportunity to experience.”

A story like this is exactly what makes us proud to be a member of the country music world. To see a community that recognizes the importance of music give so much attention and effort to instill those values in children is truly heartwarming. Everyone involved in this project should be beaming with pride!!