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Country Stars Reveal Their Holiday Plans, Talk Christmas Shopping

The holiday season snuck up on us pretty fast, and it’s getting down to the wire on time to pick out the perfect gift for that special someone. Country stars feel that same pressure, only their schedules are even crazier than the average citizen.

Nonetheless, each and every one of them has some holiday cheer waiting to be spread throughout the next couple weeks leading up to Christmas. While some have their plans set in stone on what traditions they plan to follow this season, others are scrambling over what to do with their families and friends.

“We just kinda switch off between families, but we recently have been going to the mountains every Christmas, New Year’s to do some skiing. So that’s kinda my new favorite thing to do. So hopefully, we can get some snow and head back out there,” Scotty McCreery told Sounds Like Nashville during an event this fall.

Because many of your favorite stars lack the time to shop while balancing out their end-of-the-year career plans, they stick to the simplest gifting of all called the world of online shopping.

“I do a lot of shopping online because it’s like we barely have time to shop for groceries, let alone Christmas presents,” admitted Lindsay Ell. “But I’ve already started kinda planning it out because Christmas is my favorite time of year and I just love sharing the holiday cheer with everybody.”

See what other plans some of the hottest artists are up to during the cold Christmastime and Tweet us (@soundslikenash) with what you like to do during the holiday season with your closest loved ones!