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Country Stars Offer Miranda Lambert & Blake Shelton Wedding Gift Ideas

Country Music’s Royal Wedding,” the union of Miranda Lambert of Blake Shelton, will take place tomorrow somewhere in Lambert’s homestate of Texas. We got to thinking- what the heck do you get a couple like Blake and Miranda as a wedding gift? So we asked some of the people who know them best…

Justin Moore, who toured with Lambert this year, tells CountryMusicIsLove the same thing crossed his wife’s mind. “We got an invitation to their wedding and my wife said, ‘What do you get those two for a wedding gift’ and I said, ‘a gun, that’s easy.'”

“Or a muzzle,” he says with a laugh. Adding, “They are a great couple.”

Laura Bell Bundy tells us she is in fact “attending the big day.” As for what to get the couple she says, “a new gun” or “ammunition.”

“You know what would be funny? To get them like bath soaps that look like bullets, like romantic bath soaps or a deer that like poops M&Ms that have their names on them,” Bundy tells CMIL with a laugh.

Ronnie Dunn tells CountryMusicIsLove he would get Blake and Miranda what he “would want”- “An old beat up Airstream and put it on a piece of real estate on some river in Texas.” [he laughs]

As for getting married, Ronnie tells CMIL, “They made the right choice.”

“He’s has a wife that going to have an opinion and she’s going to let him know and be honest with him all along,” he says. “I think open honesty is the best policy from day one.”

Click HERE for our full coverage of “Country Music’s Royal Wedding.”

What gift would YOU give Blake & Miranda for their big day?