Fan Has Emotional Reaction To Ronnie Dunn’s ‘Cost of Livin”

Fan Has Emotional Reaction To Ronnie Dunn’s ‘Cost of Livin”

Ronnie Dunn’s “Cost of Livin’,” the second single from his self-titled solo album, is no doubt an emotional song. The follow-up to “Bleed Red” speaks of the troubled economy and the struggling situations of so many families across our nation.

We spoke with Ronnie before the single was released to radio and it was apparent that he was very moved by the song. Given his current superstar status as a country music artist, one executive at his record label didn’t want Ronnie to record this song, fearing that fans wouldn’t relate to it coming from someone of his stature. Ronnie’s response? “’Well, I grew up in trailer houses in New Mexico, Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. Don’t pull that one on me; don’t pull that one on me, man.’ We can all relate to it,” Ronnie told CountryMusicIsLove.

Fans are, indeed, relating to the song and finding comfort in the words. One radio listener was so moved when she first heard the song on the radio that she wrote to her local station. The note eventually found it’s way to Ronnie and he shared the fan’s letter on his website. It’s very moving to read how much comfort she found in a song that mirrored her own real-life situation. Here’s her letter…

I had to work late today. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have heard it (yet.) I was on the way home when Josh played Ronnie Dunn’s “Cost of Livin’.” I had to pull over to bawl like a baby. I’m not usually like that. If I feel moved by a song, I get goosebumps, sing along, maybe even tear up, but NEVER have I had to pull over.

You see, a bit over a year ago, our house was in foreclosure, and my husbands truck got repo’d with 2 payments left. He wasn’t working, couldn’t find work, and I was on salary…not able to get any OT. I just knew that we’d be homeless. Something finally gave way, which gave us a bit of breathing room, but he still wasn’t working. With all of his experience and life skills, nobody wanted him.

This is already getting long, so I’ll cut it short. He got his “forever” job 6 months ago. He likes it, he’s good at it, and it has future. We can breath. We’re still dirt poor, but we aren’t waiting for our house to be sold by the bank. We’re going to make it. If I knew someone who knew Ronnie Dunn, I’d send my very best. His song speaks to me, my husband, my friends, and many folks in the same boat.

Things suck right now, but keep trying. If you’re willing to work, keep trying. Please play that song every morning. Play it for those that have gotten up and gotten ready for job hunting, even while knowing they won’t likely find something. They’re trying. For their family. They’re trying, and they deserve to know that others are facing the same crap.

You guys never cease to amaze me with what you play. Play this one. A lot.

I love you all.

Country music is known for telling the stories of people’s lives and this song most definitely holds true to that notion. Kudos to Ronnie for recording and releasing this song and thank you to the fan for sharing her story. We enjoyed reading it and hearing how the music moved her.

Have you heard “Cost of Livin'” yet? What was your reaction when you first listened? If you haven’t heard it yet, you can listen HERE. If you like what you hear, be sure to request it on your local station!