Jake Owen Reveals The Best Compliment He Ever Received

Written by Andrew Ellis
Jake Owen Reveals The Best Compliment He Ever Received

Jake Owen - CountryMusicIsLove

Jake Owen is one of country music’s hottest stars. With hits like “Beachin’,” “Barefoot Blue Jean Night,” and his current single, “What We Ain’t Got,” and a live show that’s full of energy, Owen has received a fair share of compliments through the course of his career. Whether it’s from a fan about how his music has touched his/her life, or an industry insider about his latest chart accomplishment, it’s a safe bet to say Jake is showered with compliments on a regular basis.

But when asked about the best compliment he’s received, it had nothing to do with his music, but with his activity on social media.

“I think the best compliment I ever got was in a restaurant one night,” Jake, 33, recalls. “And a guy came over to the table and said hey to my wife and I – we were sittin’ there havin’ dinner, and he said, ‘I just want you to know, man, I follow on Twitter, but,’ he said, ‘it’s kinda weird ’cause I don’t know you at all, but I feel like I know you, just from followin’ you on Twitter. I feel like we’re friends.’”

To Jake, that was greatest compliment ever because he works really hard to stay connected with his fans, and a lot of it happens through platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

“I think that by followin’ me on Twitter, you get a really good picture of who I am as a person,” Jake says. “What I believe in, the kind of things that I’m proud of, and I’m a family guy. But I also like to have fun with my buddies and friends.”

He likes knowing that people feel as if they’re on a friend level with him due to social media, and he says that it’s important in these days to form that kind of bond with fans.

“Yeah, they love our music, but they really want to connect to us as human beings,” he points out. “That’s what we are.”

That whole idea of wanting to connect as human beings is what Owen believes attracts people to country music in the first place.

“We’re real people singin’ about real situations,” Jake says. “And if they can compound that with kind of grasping a hold of who you are as an artist and person, and you reach out to them, it multiplies tenfold.”