Jett Barker Liles Meets Camden Gunderson, Joins Twitter and Instagram

Written by SLN Staff Writer
Jett Barker Liles Meets Camden Gunderson, Joins Twitter and Instagram

Love and Theft babies - CountryMusicIsLove

It looks like we might have a new country music duo on our hands!

Jett Barker Liles and Camden Gunderson, the sons of Love and Theft’s Stephen Barker Liles and Eric Gunderson, have officially become best friends (and possibly future country superstars!), according to their proud dads, at least. The pair met just hours after Jett was born on Monday (12/2).

Jett expressed his excitement over the meeting on his very own Twitter account:

Jett Barker Liles was born on Dec. 2 to Stephen and his fiancée, Jenna Kennedy. Eric and Emily Gunderson welcomed baby Camden back in March.

You can follow along with the two-day old on his Twitter and Instagram. (He’s incredibly smart, isn’t he?)