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Keith Urban Creates Unforgettable Moment for Six-Year-Old Liam

Keith Urban is well known for creating special moments for fans during his shows, from inviting young guitar players on stage to allowing fans to sing their own songs. While the moment may pass in just a flash, it creates a long-lasting memory for the fan or fans involved, including six-year-old Liam.

Liam was born in September 2010 with a very rare disorder where most of his internal organs were located outside of his body in a sac. He spent nearly 22 months in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) where he underwent countless surgeries to repair is abdomen. While in the hospital, Liam became familiar with Urban’s music, having watched videos on YouTube during his recovery.

Liam watching Keith Urban; Photo courtesy of Nicole Bracken

After a final surgery and nearly two years spent living in a hospital, Liam was finally well enough to begin the discharge process and go home. Liam, now six, attempted twice before to attend a Keith Urban show, but several health issues arose over the years, preventing him from attending. It wasn’t until 2017 that he was finally well enough to attend a show in Allentown, PA and see the man he’d watched online for all of those years. While at the concert, the six-year-old was given a guitar pick from Urban, who’d seen him in the crowd.

“Liam was smiling and dancing the entire night. Liam is non verbal due to his tracheostomy but the smile on his face and the way he reached for Keith’s hand was incredible,” Nicole, one of Liam’s nurses, explained to Sounds Like Nashville via Facebook. “This was his first concert! Keith is definitely his favorite artist.”

Keith Urban & Liam; Photo courtesy of Nicole Bracken

The moment was an unforgettable one for the young boy, who’s been through the ringer during his first six years of life. One thing is for certain though… Liam can get through anything, especially with a little encouragement from his favorite artist, Keith Urban.

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