Kellie Pickler Reflects On Past Year

Kellie Pickler Reflects On Past Year


Kellie Pickler had a birthday yesterday and she took to her blog to reflect on the past year. We both really enjoyed reading this post from Kellie – the experiences that she wrote about are things that everyone can relate to and it makes you realize that no matter how ‘famous’ someone may be, we’re really all more alike than we are different…

23 today!
I’m sitting on the bus sipping on my 2nd Starbucks Venti Iced Carmel Macchiato reflecting on the past year…there are so many things that come to mind. Isn’t it kind of crazy how much can happy in only a years time?!I feel like I know myself better but I’m still learning. I found some closure in my life but still need more. I’ve built some bridges, torn some down. laughed. cried. made someone else laugh. made someone else cry. tried counting stars. still mourn the lose of my grandma Faye, sometimes I see her smile when I look in the eyes of Carolyn Holt (my”adopted mama”) grew closer to my sister Courtney & my brother Eric. Hugged my Dad. forgave. read some incredible books. reading a good one now. only had to change my number once. became a vegetarian. did another USO tour. got another tattoo. prayed for myself & for others. heard some great songs. heard some bad ones. wrote some good songs. wrote some bad ones. made some friends. lost some friends. still have my best friend (Summer). got pissed off cause they discontinued my favorite deodorant…(note to self:contact Secret Deodorant). sang 9 to 5 with Dolly. talked my way out of a ticket. seen love. touched love. gained love. lost love. wished I could touch a rainbow. had my feelings hurt. hurt someone else’s. got addicted to twitter… out John Cusack and I were both born on June 28th, sorry I had to brag, big fan. saw Reese Witherspoon at the CMA’s, still mad at myself for not asking for a picture…love her. told Ellen that I wanted to lick Clint Eastwood’s face. I still want too. still trying to figure out how I am going to meet him. bought some shoes, imagine that. got drunk. hugged a toilet. got a paper cut. cussed. asked for forgiveness. been happy. been depressed. still trying to let my hair grow out, probably get it cut soon. seen some great movies. seen some bad ones. made fans & probably lost fans. talked to God. got kissed. gave a kiss. ate a hershey kiss…ok, a lot of hershey kisses. ran my bike into a tree. ouch. sat under an umbrella on the beach. saw God when I saw the ocean. slid down a water slide. gotta big wedgie. heard some stupid sh*t. said some stupid sh*t. I know some of you are mad because I said sh*t. asked for forgiveness, again. helped someone. had someone help me. almost got in a fight cause someone tried to steal my shoes. seen Spongebob Square pants enough to last a lifetime. thanks Eric. done so many concerts that I’ve lost count. doing another one tonight, not complaining. fell in love with the road. I still think Aimee Mayo and I are long lost sisters. learning to have patience. still pissed about the deodorant. saw a tornado. almost pissed my pants. bought some killer sunglasses. lost them. got mad. got over it. bought some more. stepped in a lot of dog poop (arn’t you proud I didn’t say sh*t.) oops…sorry, I said it again. Moomoo (my dog) is finally house (bus) trained. thanked the Lord. took a lot of pictures. read somewhere that I had a face lift. so not true. I was only 22. ask me again when I’m 60. maybe my answer will be different. maybe it won’t. sent a lot of flowers. been given a lot of flowers. asked for mercy for myself and mercy for others. went snorkeling for the first time, it was incredible. swam right over an eel, it was incredibly scary.
I could go on and on for days as you know but I have to get ready for another show. Speaking of shows…thank you so much to everyone who has come to a show, bought a CD, or just turned my song up on the radio. I love you.