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Kellie Pickler’s Beloved Grandmother Inspired Her New Single

Growing up, Kellie Pickler always looked to her Grandma Faye for help and advice. Now, she’s honoring her memory with her brand new single.

Called “If It Wasn’t For a Woman,” Pickler wrote the true-to-life track with her husband, Kyle Jacobs, and their songwriting pal Brian Bunn. The group originally sat down to write the song with a whole other meaning to it, but Pickler’s reminiscent stories of her late grandmother  brought life to the lyrics that weren’t tossed around before that moment.

“My husband [Kyle Jacobs] and I, along with one of our good friends Brian Bunn, we co-wrote this song together on the anniversary of my grandmother passing. Brian had this song idea called ‘If It Wasn’t For A Woman.’ He and my husband we’re going to write it together about their wives. The whole content was going to be, if it wasn’t for a woman, I wouldn’t be the man that I am. I walked into the kitchen where they were writing the song at our dining room table. I got to talking about my grandma, and it was the anniversary of her passing. The whole song changed. It transformed into, if it wasn’t for a woman in tribute to my grandmother,” Pickler explains to Sounds Like Nashville.

Pickler wanted the song to stay close to her own heart, but understood that listeners also could connect to its empowering message. The impact Pickler hopes to have for “If It Wasn’t For a Woman” could potentially inspire fans to reconnect with their own heroes in a way they may not have realized before.

“The verses are very autobiographical. The chorus is very universal, where I think you could put whatever person who influenced you in your life. It’s putting life in the form of a song. It’s a sweet tribute to my grandma. I’m excited for everybody to hear it,” Pickler shares.

“If It Wasn’t For a Woman” is available to stream and download now.