Lauren Alaina Chats About Music, Touring, & the New Guy in Her Life

Written by SLN Staff Writer
Lauren Alaina Chats About Music, Touring, & the New Guy in Her Life

Lauren Alaina is one busy gal! In addition to preparing her new album, Lauren has been on tour this summer with her fellow “American Idol” alums. Pop Crush recently caught up with the country newcomer who dished on music, touring, and the cute new boy who she recently met at a baseball game…

How are you and the crew celebrating once the American Idol Live! Tour ends next week?
We already had a little party type thing that everyone came to and we all just kind of hung out .. It wasn’t a sad party because it wasn’t the end. I don’t know if we’re having another one or not. I believe we are …[Someone tells her they are] … Yes we are having another one! We’ll probably all be crying at that one. So we just have a little party and all get together and hang out.

What will you miss about touring together all summer?
Well, it’s funny because when we first started on tour I was super sad that I was away from my family and just knowing that I was going to be gone for five months. And then now that we have nine days before we go home — or something like that — I’m sad [again] because I’m going to miss these people. They’re like my family now. We were all talking about it on the bus the other day and we’re all crying after a show. I thought [the tour] was going to take forever and it’s just flown by, literally, I don’t even know how it’s gone.

Well, you guys are clearly having fun, so I’m sure that’s why it’s flown by…
Yeah, I was just at the Boston Red Sox game [Friday] and Pia went with me — we’re best friends. We hung out, and I met a cute guy [Laughs]. I had a really good time.

So … Did you give him your number?
Um … I asked him for his, yeah. I don’t think he knew who I was! But his friend did — I think his friend did. They were looking at me trying to figure out if it was me or not and they weren’t sure. And then I approached him and told him I thought he was cute, and he asked me if I was from ‘American Idol’ and I said ‘Yes.’ And then we hung out during the game. He’s a really cool guy. He’s from New York.

I noticed when you sing your debut single, ‘Like My Mother Does’ live, and when you sang ‘God Is Great’ with Martina McBride at the CMA Music festival, you deliver the slide technique between some notes, which seems to work really well with your voice. Is that something you discovered on your own, or something introduced to you by your vocal producer?
I don’t even know what it is you’re talking about. [Laughs]. I guess I just do it naturally. People ask me about it all the time, and I’ve never noticed that — I still don’t understand what I do. I don’t do it on purpose, I just do it I guess.

Tell us about that moment when you sang ‘God Is Great’ with Martina McBride at the CMA Music Festival. At one point you even mouthed, “Oh My Gosh.” What was going through your head when you were on stage in front of 70,000 people?
Well, Martina McBride is one of the most respected female vocalists in country music, and to even be able to sing with her in front of 10 people is incredible … It’s says [something] for her to let me do that, and she let me. It was just awesome to know that she would let me do something like that … It made me feel cool. [Laughs]. And then there were so many people there, they were screaming for us and it was just one of the coolest things that’s ever happened to me. It was awesome.

Click HERE to read the rest of the interview.