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LeAnn Rimes Vacations With Family

Cibrian / Rimes family

LeAnn Rimes took a big family vacation earlier this month and spending the week surrounded by so many loved ones had a profound impact on the country singer turned actress. This week she took to her blog to share the experience with her fans and to encourage everyone to make enough time for their families. Read her blog below…

Family Time

Eddie’s birthday and Father’s Day both fell in the same week this year. The kids got out of school for the summer that week too, so we thought what a perfect time to plan a family vacation. And by family, we of course thought the four of us.

Well, it grew to his parents, our best friends Dave and Liz and their two boys, (Mason and Jake’s best friends) and my parents. While in Cabo on our honeymoon, I decided to jump on one of those “heart to heart” calls with my mom and said, “Come hang for the week.” Being very honest, I was hoping I hadn’t just turned our little family vacation at our favorite little beach house in Laguna to an overdone to-do with way too many people. Plus, I’m really not use to doing the whole “family vacation” thing.

[rmore type=”more”]Click the ‘more’ button below to continue reading LeAnn’s “Family Time” blog… [/rmore]

When my parents divorced, and even before that, I can’t ever remember really being on vacation together. We never had money when I was little and then, by the time I was 13 I had hit the road performing. With the schedule I kept, the thought of any vacation was a joke! A few days out, I started to get excited about our getaway. It seemed like it had the potential to bring us all closer together as a family, a new family, and that’s exactly what it did. Eddie and I got to spend quality time with the boys without any interruptions, and my mom and I got to talk and understand each other better. My “bonus dad” said it was the first time he’d really felt like a father and a grandfather. Eddie’s parents talked about how crazy it was to almost have a 40 year old son and shared so many embarrassing childhood memories about my husband with me… but shhhh, don’t tell him that…

It was a very special week for us all. I loved seeing Eddie smile…all week long, the boys running around in the sand, laughing with their friends, enjoying the ease and effortlessness of our best friend’s company, and me always laughing. It takes a lot for us all to relax and shut off because we all have so many responsibilities, but for this one week life was easy and perfect. In this crazy world we live in, I feel like family time, just simple playtime gets pushed to the back burner. At least it has for me for so long.

This past week has taught us all in our family to make enjoying more time with each other the first priority in our lives. You never know what tomorrow may bring. There’s nothing better than to hear a family laugh together, and that’s what we did on our special week. I hope you can find the time, even for an hour, to be a kid with your family, really talk and most importantly listen… play, laugh, and love!