Lee Ann Womack’s Great Big Centerfold, Shines Up Her Airstream for 4 Page PEOPLE Country Spread

Written by SLN Staff Writer
Lee Ann Womack’s Great Big Centerfold, Shines Up Her Airstream for 4 Page PEOPLE Country Spread

It’s that time of year, as people squeeze in the last of their vacations. For Lee Ann Womack, that means hitting the road in her bright shiny 1973 Airstream Land Yacht. Since buying her Airstream three years ago, she’s been to the Smokeys, all over Florida, Texas – and most recently to a location outside of Nashville for a very special photo shoot with PEOPLE Country.

“I don’t know how they heard that me and the girls were into ‘glamping,’ as we call it,” laughs the petite vocalist with the timeless soprano. “But they did, and they called…and I am always up for a reason to hit the road with my Airstream! It’s like camping, only better.”

Womack’s Airstream – purchased on eBay – is all original, though lovingly restored and redecorated by the folks at Hemphill, who also lease Womack her tour buses. With a crystal chandelier in the bedroom, the entire vehicle is done in complementary Trina Turk fabrics. “I wanted something girly, but ‘60s, timeless, but fun…It’s not what you’d expect.”

For the PEOPLE shoot, the former CMA Female Vocalist of the Year enlisted two girlfriends to come along for an evening of Mexican food, corn-holing and a lot of laughter in front of Jessica Antola’s camera for the four page spread. Beyond playing some songs – both on guitar and with her portable record player – Womack, cousin Fanci Worthington and Betsy Baird hung out til late – and made a whole day of it.

“Like I said: any excuse to take the Airstream out is a reason to smile,” Womack said. “When I bought it, and I woke up the next day, I thought, ‘Good Lord, what have I done?’ But it’s turned out to be the great escape. Both my daughters like going out in it – and when you’re in a little campground, for some reason, it really pulls you closer together with your people. Suddenly, it’s not running all over some fancy hotel, but you and your family or friends talking.”

Look out for the issue on stands soon!