Marine Invites Luke Bryan to the Marine Corps Ball

Marine Invites Luke Bryan to the Marine Corps Ball

Luke Bryan has received an invitation to attend the Marine Corps Ball in Albany, GA via YouTube. Following in the steps of fellow Marines who recently invited the stars of the new movie “Friends With Benefits,” Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, to their Marine Corps Balls, Nicole McCoy has extended an invite to Luke.

“You’d get to spend the night with a bunch of Marines. I promise you, we’ll show you how to have a great time,” says McCoy in the video. “It would be a great opportunity for you to come down here. I’d be really honored to go to the ball with you, and I hope to hear from you soon.”

She also tries to convince him by letting him know her base isn’t too far from his hometown of Leesburg, GA, where some of his family lives.

Timberlake and Kunis have both accepted invitations to attend the Marine Corps Balls with the Marines who asked them via YouTube (they are attending separate balls).

So Luke, do you want to spend the night with “a bunch of Marines?”

Check out McCoy’s video below (via Country Weekly).