Meghan Linsey Has Received Death Threats After Taking a Knee at NFL Game

“I can’t think of anything more un-American than threatening someone for an act of free speech," Linsey writes. 

Written by Lauren Laffer
Meghan Linsey Has Received Death Threats After Taking a Knee at NFL Game
Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images for CMT

When Meghan Linsey decided to take a knee after singing the National Anthem ahead of the Tennessee Titans game on Sunday, Sept. 24, she received a slew of mixed reactions. Many praised her for her actions while others severely reprimanded her.

Since that day, Linsey has received numerous threats of death and ill will pushed onto her, something she anticipated when she decided to silently make her voice heard.

“In the past few days, I have received death threats and had cancer wished upon me by the same people who claim to be great patriots,” she wrote in an editorial for the Washington Post. “I’ve had people say that they should have executed me on the field. People are threatening my life because the idea that someone who looks like me would act against racism upsets them so much.”

She continued, “I can’t think of anything more un-American than threatening someone for an act of free speech. I am not afraid of these people, because I know that I am living on my mother’s prayers and God will protect me. It just hurts my heart to stand in the face of real unadulterated hate. But it’s the same hate that so many other people in this country face simply because of the color of their skin.”

Linsey hopes that regardless of what happens to her career, that people consider what her message truly is in hopes to move the country forward and recognize people of different skin colors, ethnicities and more, as equal.

“The only way we can move forward as a nation is if we bring it all back to love. We have to live it and demonstrate it every day in our own lives — and we have to point out injustices every time we see them. I am praying for our country. I know that there has to be more love out there, and I pray that we find it and fast.”