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Exclusive Premiere: The Reklaws Throw a Massive House Party in ‘Hometown Kids’ Video

The Reklaws are soaking in those last few moments of summer and they’ve invited their friends to join the party in the new video for their single, “Hometown Kids.”

The duo created the adventurous treatment for the video, complete with a massive bonfire, swimming in the nearby river and indulging on junk food served hot off the fryer. Their co-stars just so happen to be the friends that they grew up with and the candid excitement between the pals fill each scene throughout the clip.

“We actually shot it in our hometown because it’s called ‘Hometown Kids!’ And we invited all of our friends over to our house. We figured like 10 would show up—like 40 to 50 people showed up at our doorstep and it was insane. Literally, the video is of this party. None of it is fake. None of it is put on. It was like we invited a camera crew to a house party that we threw. So that was pretty awesome,” Jenna Walker of The Reklaws told Sounds Like Nashville.

The single came all out of personal experience, as the brother and sister group looked upon their own childhood and all the fun memories they made living wild and free. Wanting “Hometown Kids” to become an anthemic message toward all their fans, The Reklaws themselves find it easy to fall in line with every single lyric they nostalgically wrote.

“The song itself kind of came out of like 50 songs before it that we’d been writing, trying to find the one to start off this summer, I guess, and what we wanted to start our EP off on a strong note. But we just wanted to write something that our audience could totally relate to, even if you’re from the country. Especially from the country, but also from the city. Every aspect of it is something that we did growing up on weekends, some things that we still do on weekends that we have off. But we just wanted to have a lifestyle song that was something easy and fun,” explained the duo’s Stuart Walker.

Although “Hometown Kids” gives glimpses of their past, The Reklaws are ready to give their future to music wholeheartedly. They’ve got a newer, more authentic sound on their side, and they can’t wait for fans to jam out to their upcoming releases.

“After unplugging from the sound we had before and taking the two years to focus on writing in Nashville, we’re just really excited about who we are and what we offer to the world now,” Jenna shared. “We think it’s us and we just can’t wait to share that and we feel confident in it and we think that’s the most important thing.”

The exclusive premiere of “Hometown Kids” can be viewed above. Fans can also download a copy of the single now via iTunes.