Taylor Swift Tops Forbes ‘Highest Paid Celebrities Under 30′ List

Taylor Swift Tops Forbes ‘Highest Paid Celebrities Under 30′ List

Forbes has spoken. This year’s ‘Highest Paid Celebrities Under 30′ top honor goes to Taylor Swift. The singer took the No. 1 spot out of ten, having earned an estimated $57 million in the last year (measured from May 2011-May 2012).

Forbes said that on top of Taylor’s three albums going platinum at least four times, she has also raked in approximately $1 million per concert and has a very lucrative CoverGirl cosmetics contract.

Swift wasn’t the only young lady on the list. Six of the ten spots were filled by women, including Rihanna, Kristen Stewart and Katy Perry. “We’re seeing this confluence of talented young female stars. They have such distinct personalities and sounds, they can all co-exist without cannibalizing each other,” Forbes list author Dorothy Pomerantz told the Daily News.

To determine who will make the list, Forbes looks at a number of different factors. They consider things like album and concert sales, movie paydays, endorsements, advertising work and profit participation. A noticeable change from the list is that athletes were no longer included. “Athletes are at the height of their career when they’re under 30, so they tend to earn a lot more,” Pomerantz said. “We do a lot of athlete lists, so we wanted this list to focus on Hollywood and entertainment.”

Taylor also took a spot on the Forbes Top 100 Most Influential Entertainers List earlier this year.