The Cadillac Three’s Influences Stretch Beyond Nashville

Written by Andrew Ellis
The Cadillac Three’s Influences Stretch Beyond Nashville

The Cadillac Three

There is no denying the southern rock influence in The Cadillac Three’s sound. Their gritty rock ‘n roll sound is something that has distinguished them from many other acts coming out of Music City as of late. But it’s not something the trio aimed to do, it’s really just a result of the music they grew up on.

“It’s a just a mixture of kind of everything we grew up listenin’ to, from Skynyrd to Hank to Tom Petty and then throw a little Metallica in there,” TC3’s Jaren Johnston says. “That’s just kinda what we did.”

But they also absorbed all of the big names that helped make Nashville become known as the country music capitol over the years.

“Growin’ up n Nashville is, is you know, whatever is big at the time,” Johnston explains. “Your Garth Brooks or Clint Black, Keith Whitley, Don Williams, all that kinda stuff. We were obsessed with that kind of stuff, and so, naturally being rock fans too it’s just kinda naturally what we do.”

The Cadillac Three’s current single is “Party Like You,” and they will be back on the road in late January.