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Tracy Lawrence to Visit Fan Fighting From Near-Death Experience with Flu

15-year-old Brandy Szanyi was a seemingly healthy and athletic teenager who didn’t have a care in the world. Now, the Tenoroc High School student is lying in St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tampa fighting for her life. According to ABC Action News in Tampa, Szanyi contracted the flu and was admitted to the hospital, where everything that could go wrong with the virus, did.

During her time at St. Joes, Szanyi coded twice after the virus attacked her lungs and heart. Doctors were able to bring her back, but due to other complications, the softball star will lose her left leg.

“We had to choose between life and limb, and we chose life,” Jennifer Szyani, Brandy’s mother, told the news outlet. “I have healthy children. I never would have expected in a million years this would take my kid down like it did.”

While her time in the hospital has been a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs, the love of her favorite country star has helped keep her spirits high. Each night, nurses turn on Pandora’s Tracy Lawrence station, allowing the teenager to listen to the “Time Marches On” singer’s music.

Because of the uplifting support Brandy receives from Lawrence’s music, her sister Cara decided to take to social media in hopes of reaching the country star, who is scheduled to play a show near the hospital next week.

“I know the power of social media so I decided to type it up and give it a shot,” said Cara. “It would mean the world to her.”

Her lengthy note was posted to social media and shared thousands of times, eventually making its way to the singer, who responded via Twitter.

“Hey @CaraSzanyi thanks for sharing your sister’s story,” he wrote. “We’ll definitely be making a visit. Looking forward to meeting you and your family!”

The news station also confirmed that the country star invited the family to his Friday night show at the Dallas Bull in Tampa.

No word yet on when Brandy will be released from the hospital, but hopefully after this special visit, she’ll have some added motivation to fight on.