Carrie Underwood Blogs After Taping “How I Met Your Mother”

Written by SLN Staff Writer
Carrie Underwood Blogs After Taping “How I Met Your Mother”

Carrie Underwood and Neil Patrick Harris How I Met Your Mother

Carrie Underwood recently blogged about her experience on the set of the CBS sitcom, How I Met Your Mother.

“I got to hang out with the whole cast, dress up like a flight attendant, play a cavewoman and had a baby pig poop on me…that’s right…jealous?” she wrote on Friday. “I’m just glad I grew up on a farm because I think I was the only one who knew how to hold and wasn’t afraid of a little piglet!”

Underwood said the cast and crew “made me feel right at home and were super patient and great with me and my lack of experience!”

So will she give up her day job?

“I’m giving up the music business and I’m going to become a professional sitcom actress!” she wrote. “Just kidding, of course, but I did have a blast while I was there!”

The episode featuring Carrie will air in March.