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Kate & Kacey Split From Label

Kate & Kacey posted a blog on their MySpace last night to let fans know that although they’ve split with their record label, Big Machine Records, they’re still forging ahead with new music. Here’s the blog from the ladies…

Up. Date.
Current mood: hopeful
Category: Life
Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, OK!

We will finally answer some questions I know y’all have! Breathe in…..
Kacey and I are no longer with Big Machine. It happened a little while back, and it’s one of the hardest things we’ve ever gone through. They weren’t wanting to put out new music quite as fast as we were hoping, and for that and other reasons, we decided to move on.
One of the main reasons why we feel OK with this is because of you guys. You are so supportive of us….regardless of what label we’re signed to, what tour we’re on, if we have a video on CMT or not. We cannot even begin to express to you how AMAZING and INCREDIBLE and LIFE SAVING you are…thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you do for us every single day.
We’ve decided to continue and record our music the way we want to. Hope that’s ok with y’all. We’re going in the studio in the next few weeks, and we’ll be putting out our NEW record (cross your fingers!) by late spring/early summer!
On top of that, we’re thinking of putting out a couple of “acoustic sessions” that Kacey and I are going to record. We just want to get as much music to you as we possibly can. Also, we may re-issue a limited number of our very first record, Circle Around. (There are only a few copies left in the vault!)
We have some shows coming up this spring/summer (Arizona, Kansas, Nashville, and Wisconsin)…and we’re toying with the idea of putting together a small acoustic show for our “fan club” during CMA Fest. Are any of you hoping to be in Nashville that week?
If Kacey and I know anything, it’s how to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going! You guys have been through this with us before (Hello, You’re Not My Judge!?), and I’m sure there will be more hills to climb. That’s life, right? We all just have to keep holding on to the good times (Pouring Over Me), respect the tough times (Weak), and believe in our Dreams…and Life. Will. Be. Amazing.
“If love’s a drug, I need it…
Just like a rush, gotta feel it…
As long as I’m alive I’m
Dreaming Love…”
xoxo (times infinity!)

Kate and Kacey

We got to spend some time with Kate & Kacey over the summer when they performed at the Sun City Tailgate events during Kenny Chesney’s “Sun City Carnival” tour… they are both fantastic ladies and we wish them nothing but the best! We know they’ll continue to do great things!