NFL Alum & Spalding Sports Donate Over 14K Toys Prior To Garth Brooks Concert

Written by SLN Staff Writer
NFL Alum & Spalding Sports Donate Over 14K Toys Prior To Garth Brooks Concert

As you know, Garth Brooks arranged for Toys For Tots to be stationed at the Bridgestone Arena prior to all 9 of his concerts benefiting flood relief in middle Tennessee. To help out with the efforts, Garth called upon his friend and NFL alum Ray Carolin as he knows that Carolin has a passion for supporting the military and kids charities.

Carolin answered Garth’s call to action by reaching out to children’s toy and sporting goods companies and Spalding Sports Goods responded by donating 14,616 toys. Carolin arrived with the toys at Bridgestone accompanied by Santa Claus prior to Sunday evening’s concert.

“I was honored that Garth would think of having his assistant call me” Carolin said. ” The opportunity to help Garth in his efforts to help our buddies in the U.S. Marine Corp. and their Toys for Tots program is an honor… What Spalding has done is absolutely awesome and I am honored to have played a very small part in touching the lives of so many children in Middle Tennessee. Spalding's generosity and incredible spirit of giving makes this a very special Christmas for me and my family.”

Carolin and his NFL Alumni buddies along with the Buffalo Bills cheerleaders left Nashville to head to Iraq and Afghanistan. They embarked on their sixth USO -Armed Forces Entertainment sponsored trip visiting U.S. military bases overseas.